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AP does it again: Their New Camouflage Chroma Gold Alloy

We have seen Audemars Piguet do a lot of crazy things with their watches. In January this year they revealed their new polychrome ceramic material, which featured a multi colored camouflage motif which normally takes several hours to produce, but they are able to do the same in minutes with their new technologies. This is not where it stops, they have found a way to do the same to their gold alloys! Let’s dive in to Audemars Piguet their newest invention.

Polychrome Camouflage Gold, what is it?

The innovations are impressive! AP has extended the use of chroma ceramic to gold, and as we all know, the brand does not take baby steps. This new material, which is called Chroma Gold, is a fusion of the typical three colors of gold: white, yellow, and pink in a single piece. While other types of gold have different colored gold components joined by some kind of adhesive, Chroma Gold is a single piece of material with a camouflage design incorporated right in the manufacturing process.

How is it Made?

It is interesting to learn how Chroma Gold is developed since the material itself is already stunning. Whereas it would have taken 10 hours to create this specific gold alloy, thanks to the SPS technology, Audemars Piguet can now do it in just 40 minutes. First, the various gold alloys are molten down and then dispersed into powder form. These powders are then carefully put in a circular graphite mold to achieve the chosen camouflage design. When a highly intense electric current is let to pass through the mold, the material is heated at a very high rate and at a same time there is application of mechanical pressure which leads to the sintering of the powders to a single disc. It is as effective as the next in making sure that every part has an original pattern because of the variation that comes with powdering as well as in making sure that the case, the bezel, and the bracelet links all have the same looking pattern.

The Result

The outcome of this process is a stunning, multi-colored gold alloy that shifts subtly in appearance depending on the light. The different shades of gold reveal themselves through satin finishing and polished chamfers, providing a dynamic and luxurious aesthetic. Although Chroma Gold isn't yet available for commercial purchase, Audemars Piguet showcased it in a 34 mm Royal Oak model to illustrate its potential.

Looking Forward

Audemars Piguet continues to push the boundaries of watchmaking by blending traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology. The introduction of Chroma Gold marks a significant milestone in materials innovation, promising a future where even the most luxurious materials can be reimagined and reinvented. Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Chroma Gold is a testament to Audemars Piguet’s relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation in horology. Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking material and other exciting innovations from Audemars Piguet!

(Source of images: Audemars Piguet ©)

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